Magic Tree House《神奇树屋》是来自美国兰登书屋(Random House)的一套初级章节书。这是纽约时报畅销榜的常青树,连续占据了160周的位置,累计销量已过亿册,这个系列入选了美国国家教育协会推荐的世界100部zui经典童书。
《神奇树屋》系列共有53册,从语言难度和故事情节复杂程度来看,前28册属于初级章节书,29-53册属于中级章节书。这个级别是《神奇树屋》的前半段1-28册,每本书大概80-100页左右,语言难度在兰斯指数300L-600L之间,是很有代表性的初级章节书(Early Chapter Books)。
"With an entertaining blend of fact, farce, and fantasy, Osborne tells the story of Jack and his sister, Annie, who take a trip in a magic tree house and land in a time 65 million years ago. They find dinosaurs and volcanoes and adventure. Veteran storyteller Osborne builds the power of reading into the story: it's the books in the tree house that give the kids the magic to travel and see far, far away."
The Knight at Dawn 目录
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The Knight at Dawn 内页样本
The Knight at Dawn 内页样本
The Knight at Dawn 内页样本
The Knight at Dawn 内页样本
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