Diary of a Wimpy Kid 《小屁孩日记》是来自美国企鹅Puffin出版社的一套章节书。《小屁孩日记》的第一本书出版后稳占纽约时报畅销书榜单近400周,常年稳居《今日美国》、《华尔街日报》和《出版人周刊》畅销书榜,现已转译成45种语言,在数十个国家出售,共有51个版本,并被拍成了3部电影。
整套书一共14册,语言难度差不多是兰斯指数 800L-1100L左右,是高级章节书的难度。正因为是日记形式,所以讲的都是生活大小事,书中对白出现许多英文口语、俚语、词组等。
3、实用易懂的口语,语言难度是兰斯指数 800L-1100L左右。
"The first year in the middle-school life of Greg Heffley is chronicled in this laugh-out-loud novel that first appeared on the Internet. Greg tells his story in a series of short, episodic chapters. The simple line drawings perfectly capture archetypes of growing up, such as a preschool-age little brother, out-of-touch teachers, and an assortment of class nerds. "
"Greg Heffley has actually been on the scene for more than two years. Created by an online game developer. This print version is just as engaging. Kinney does a masterful job of making the mundane life of boys on the brink of adolescence hilarious. "
-School Library Journal
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 内页样本
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 内页样本
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 内页样本
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 内页样本
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