This story literallyunfolds as pages open dramatically, extending both outward andupward. Monica wants the moon to play with, so her Papa sets out toget it for her. It isn't easy to climb all the way to the moon, buthe finally succeeds--only to find that the moon is too big to carryhome! The way the problem is resolved is a joyfulsurprise.This story literallyunfolds as pages open dramatically, extending both outward andupward. Monica wants the moon to play with, so her Papa sets out toget it for her. It isn't easy to climb all the way to the moon, buthe finally succeeds--only to find that the moon is too big to carryhome! The way the problem is resolved is a joyfulsurprise.
父亲节马上到了,这本Eric Carle的书透着浓浓的大写的父爱。小女孩Monica想要和🌙一起玩儿,爸爸真的想办法爬到了🌙上,唯一的问题是🌙太大了,解决的办法给了孩子一个大大的惊喜。成功的童书作者都是很爱孩子的,了解孩子的心理,只刚提到这本书的名字,小子就开心地点头要读。画风很明艳,好喜欢他笔下的天空,小子说这里的🌙 和The Very Very Hungry Caterpillar里面的🌙一样,小子已经可以分辨出卡尔爷爷的作品。页面设计也是别有洞天的
《Papa,please get the moon for me》,绘本的主色是大片的深蓝色,暖暖的蓝色让寂静的夜不再阴冷黑暗,满满的圆月低低地挂在夜空,似乎触手可及,窗前的小女孩儿望着月亮毫无睡意,一只可爱的小黑猫在月下散步。故事以小女孩儿睡前一个不经意的想法开头,"I wish I could play with the moon!"自然引入故事情节,PaPa将Monica放在肩膀上和Monica伸手够月亮的背影温馨地展示了父爱如山,温暖人心。没有冠冕的许诺,没有打破女儿...
【共读记录60】小小人儿今天拿着粉笔从墙的一边画条直线走到墙的另一边,边画边说long long long ladder,有输入必有输出,只是不知道在什么时间什么情况下输出,小意外也挺好的,出自PaPa,pls get the moon for me的这页长梯子,念念不忘,必有回响。。。2017.8.1
Sentence pattern:Please get… for me. I wish I could… No matter how much he/she…he/she could not… Put…on top of… Key words:before,go to bed,look out of,window,look near,play with,reach for,stretch,touch,long,ladder,carry,towards,high,mountai...
小时候总听大人说“孩子不能惯,惯坏了,她要摘天上的月亮,你也给摘啊!”所以我一直觉得要摘月亮的孩子都是任性的,不听话的。直到我看到了这本书《papa,please get the moon for me》,打开书的那一刻,我就被惊艳到了,大开本的月亮好震撼!读完故事,我感受到了爸爸浓浓的爱,消除了我之前的偏见。这是一本超经典的书。