Henny Penny and her friends are on their way to tell the king that the sky is falling when they meet a hungry fox.Henny Penny and her friends are on their way to tell the king that the sky is falling when they meet a hungry fox.
当年翻了一下,故事略长,就压箱底了。某天被孩子翻出要求念念,然后一发不可收拾。经常把坚果从我头上坠落,然后一起went along and went along. 最喜欢的是那些动物的名字,孩子自己都乐半天,韵律的美:cocky locky,ducky lucky,goosey loosey,Turkey lurkey, foxy loxy.不过,明知道这个经典,却还是不忍如此结局在孩子的书里。我一定是个保护狂!不过,孩子完全没感觉……
整个故事风趣幽默,the sky is falling and I must go and tell the king 贯穿整个故事。豆豆看着小动物们顶着锅盖的样子会咯咯的笑个不停,但是不太喜欢故事的结尾,觉得狐狸太坏了,把小动物们都吃掉了。顺便用这个故事和小豆豆做了一个事实和观点的小游戏。引导小朋友明白橡子落下来是一个事实,但是由此推断天会塌下来是一个观点,感觉效果还不错~
这本书很有意思,里面鸡鸭的名字符合自然拼读的规律,有利于孩子们自己拼读也会觉得这些名字很有趣,我读这本书就觉得狐狸太坏了,真的好难过,和女儿讲她们被吃了,她也说no,no. 另外歌曲很好听,我最喜欢那句不断重复的so they went along and went along and went along until they met...好听好学