Lulu does potty-training! Join in with Lulu's toilet adventures as she learns how to use potties and proper loos. Lulu is given a special present by Mummy - her very own potty. Lulu does her first wee-wee in the potty. Soon she's sitting on her potty everywhere - in the kitchen, in her bedroom, in the playroom, even in the garden! Then Lulu graduates from wearing nappies to wearing big girl knickers and using the big toilet, with a few tiny accidents along the way. Lulu does potty-training! Join in with Lulu's toilet adventures as she learns how to use potties and proper loos. Lulu is given a special present by Mummy - her very own potty. Lulu does her first wee-wee in the potty. Soon she's sitting on her potty everywhere - in the kitchen, in her bedroom, in the playroom, even in the garden! Then Lulu graduates from wearing nappies to wearing big girl knickers and using the big toilet, with a few tiny accidents along the way.
我们家也有一个露露~~妮说:it's the same lulu we have.😃
读完还说:I want another Lulu book....
我们家也有一个露露~~妮说:it's the same lulu we have.😃
读完还说:I want another Lulu book....
这是一本教小宝宝如厕的书,看完惊呼,真的跟我女儿情况一毛一样😂训练她如厕也是经历了nappy-potty-knickers最后自己能够独立完成上厕所,这样的过程~这本书里面有一些小机关,伊伊把机关都翻了一下就说:“妈妈,我看完啦!”哭笑不得🤣这本书里面有很多实用的跟宝宝交流的儿语,比如,可以跟宝宝说:"It's time to wee-wee"(要去尿尿了哦)还可以教宝宝学到 loo roll(卷纸)这样的生活中最常见的单词短语,书里面的场景设计也很生动,我个人还蛮喜欢看...
Sentence patterns:What could it be? Key words:loo,nappy,special,very own,kitchen,wee-wee,wipe the bottom,not too much,loo roll,knicker,quite a few,accident,in a hurry,in time