这是一套非常有名的“英文桥梁书”,一经出版,便雄踞纽约时代周刊畅销书榜,其中两本书曾获得获得苏斯博士奖,2006年最佳少儿图书,美国图书馆协会奖等多项权威童书奖项。Fly Guy 是一只眼睛特别大的苍蝇,它是小男孩BUZZ的宠物。大人可能会想:什么?有人拿苍蝇当宠物?这么无厘头?这么重口味?这么奇葩?没错,就是这样一个奇葩故事,让这只大眼苍蝇火遍了全世界,很少有孩子不喜欢的!因为,在小朋友心中,养只苍蝇——这简直就是如同“屎尿屁”一样让孩子没有免疫力啊!这是一套非常有名的“英文桥梁书”,一经出版,便雄踞纽约时代周刊畅销书榜,其中两本书曾获得获得苏斯博士奖,2006年最佳少儿图书,美国图书馆协会奖等多项权威童书奖项。Fly Guy 是一只眼睛特别大的苍蝇,它是小男孩BUZZ的宠物。大人可能会想:什么?有人拿苍蝇当宠物?这么无厘头?这么重口味?这么奇葩?没错,就是这样一个奇葩故事,让这只大眼苍蝇火遍了全世界,很少有孩子不喜欢的!因为,在小朋友心中,养只苍蝇——这简直就是如同“屎尿屁”一样让孩子没有免疫力啊!
One day, Fly guy and Buzz's family on a long trip. Mom dad and Buzz went to the restaurant. Fly guy ate outside. He found where he wanted to eat. He needed to wash before dinner. He jumped into a soup. A lady saw Fly guy and screamed,"The...
Buzz's friends watched amazing fly guy doing new tricks. First, the backstroke! Next, the dizzy doozie! Last, the big booger! Fly guy did new tricks again at the dinner table. But it got into trouble. Buzz caught it. Outside, Buzz said "D...
Buzz's homework is to write a fairy tale. A prince flew to a dark castle. He rescued a princess. But a giant lived in the dark castle. He knocked them down to the ground. The princess threw her crown to hit the giant. The prince threw ...
One day, fly guy went to play outside by himself, when he went bace, Buzz went outside and had a picnic. So fly guy flew and flew, he saw something like his favorute food, when he wanted to eat, there was someone swung him with swatter. Wha...
Buzz took a fly to the Amazing pet show. The fly is his pet, Fly Guy. The judges thought flies can't be pets, they are pests. Fly guy flew high high high into the sky. And he dived down down down into the jar. So the judges said the fly ...
One day, Dad Buzz and Fly guy for a ride. Suddenly wind blew in the car and carried Fly guy out of the window. The wind carried it into a passing truck, motorboat, and onto a passing circus train, an airplane, a rocket. But the rocket did...
One day, Buzz had a field trip with Fly guy. They arrived at the flyswatter factory. They saw a super swatter robot. The robot saw the fly. He started swatting. Fly guy helped the fly and flew past the fly swatter machine. The super swatt...
Buzz and Fly guy had a holiaday with dad and mom at hotel. Fly guy went to nice restaurant suddenly. And made lot of mess here. When you see there is a fly in your soup ,what will you do ? AR1.8 难度适合小果,裸听几次,他大概了解了意思,然后和妈妈亲子阅读,然后听音频朗读。
There is anther fly can say girl`s name , she is fly girl. What will happen when fly guy meets fly girl? Let`s read this story together!这个故事我们边讲边演,Ericf喜欢 chase me !我们床上床下疯跑,还说 I can chase you! 初级章节书对Eric来说难度不大