《猜猜我有多爱你》这本图画书里有一只像孩子的小兔子和一只像爸爸的大兔子。小兔子像所有的孩子一样爱比较。它们俩在比赛谁的爱更多一些。大兔子用智慧赢得了比赛和小兔子稍微少一点的爱,可小兔子用它的天真和想象赢得了大兔子多出一倍的爱。两只兔子都获胜了。 整个作品充溢着爱的气氛和快乐的童趣,小兔子亲切可爱的形象、两只兔子相互较劲的故事构架以及形象、新奇的细节设置都对孩子有着极大的吸引力。 This is the story of two Nutbrown Hares, Big Nutbrown Hare and Little Nutbrown Hare. The two are never stated to be father and son in the original storybooks, though are referred to as such in the narration for the animated television series. Little Nutbrown Hare asks Big Nutbrown Hare the titular question, "Guess how much I love you?", and the book continues as the two use larger and larger measures to quantify how much they love each other in answer to the question. The story is simple, but effectively shows the love the two share for each other.《猜猜我有多爱你》这本图画书里有一只像孩子的小兔子和一只像爸爸的大兔子。小兔子像所有的孩子一样爱比较。它们俩在比赛谁的爱更多一些。大兔子用智慧赢得了比赛和小兔子稍微少一点的爱,可小兔子用它的天真和想象赢得了大兔子多出一倍的爱。两只兔子都获胜了。 整个作品充溢着爱的气氛和快乐的童趣,小兔子亲切可爱的形象、两只兔子相互较劲的故事构架以及形象、新奇的细节设置都对孩子有着极大的吸引力。 This is the story of two Nutbrown Hares, Big Nutbrown Hare and Little Nutbrown Hare. The two are never stated to be father and son in the original storybooks, though are referred to as such in the narration for the animated television series. Little Nutbrown Hare asks Big Nutbrown Hare the titular question, "Guess how much I love you?", and the book continues as the two use larger and larger measures to quantify how much they love each other in answer to the question. The story is simple, but effectively shows the love the two share for each other.
Guess How much I Love You
001Listen to the audio:little Green WormGuess How much I Love You
001Listen to the audio:little Green Worm
孩子总喜欢和别人比较,在《Guess How Much I Love You》这本图画书中的小兔子就是个典型的例子。小兔子认真的告诉大兔子“我好爱你”,而大兔子回应小兔子说:“我更爱你!”如此一来,不仅确定大兔子很爱自己,更希望自己的爱能胜过大兔子的爱。他想尽办法用各种身体动作、看得见的景物来描述自己的爱意,直到他累得在大兔子的怀中睡着了。 整个作品充溢着爱的气氛和快乐的童趣,小兔子亲切可爱的形象、两只兔子相互较劲的故事构架以及形象、新奇的细节设置都对孩子有着极大...
爱,这人世间最美好却无法说清楚的情感,被两只可爱的长耳野兔以生动活泼的方式,表达得淋漓尽致。 hold on tight紧紧抓住,stretch out wide尽力伸展开,reach up high尽力举得高高的,打个滚倒立起来tumble over upside down,抛起来转圈圈swing around around around,跳过来又跳过去hop and bounce up and down,穿过小河到山的那一边cross the river over the...