The Boy With Flowers in His Hair
Most People
My Monster and Me AD48L
Have You Filled a Bucket Today
Healthy Me
The Children‘s Book of ......
Behaviour Matters
How did I get here
It Started with a Big Bang
Nine Months
Where Willy Went......
I’m a Virus!
Brains!Not Just a Zombie Snack
Blood!Not Just a Vampire Drink
Why Do I系列
Science Vocabulary Readers
Good Night To Your Fantastic Elastic Brain
Learning Ladders
Let's Read and Find Out - Level 2
First Graphics Wild Weather
Natural Disasters
Zoom In on Natural Disasters
Our Extreme Earth
Legendary Landforms
Gail Gibbons科普
Jump into Science
I’m a Volcano!
《Kaboom! A Volcano Erupts》 560L
《Hurricane》 AD460L
《Superworm》 AD490L
《Hector and the Big Bad Knight》 AD560L
《Creepy Carrots》 AD490L
《Max the brave》 AD490L
《I Used To Be A Fish》
《Little Green Donkey》
《The Octopus Escapes》 AD500L
《Supermarket Zoo》
《CHRIS JUDGE小怪兽系列》 AD530-620L
《小猪梅西系列》 430-570L
《a little golden book - the amazing spiderman》
《Mighty Robot》 520-640L
《Winnie the Witch系列》
《Little Critter》
《Fly Guy》
《Oxford Read and discover系列》
《Spin & Play Counting Game》
《Goodnight,Goodnight,Construction Site》 AD610L
《Mighty,Mighty, Construction Site》 AD710L
《小犀牛阿奇系列》 AD290-470L
《Usborne Life-the-flap Very First Questions and Answers系列》
《Fire Truck》 AD350L
《Pete the Cat Firefighter Pete》 AD520L